The view of Graybeard Mountain in North Carolina from the Blue Ridge Parkway, September 2002. It was a little overcast.
John Williams Welcome to Thudfactor

The last Kindle
Confessions of a data-hoarder in the midst of late capitalism.

Playing catch-up
Where my head is at after a three-month hiatus

Agile’s insistence on co-location is disabling
Does “face to face” communication require our bodies to be in the same space, too?

Don’t drive screws with a hammer
Sometimes developers will solve problems with the handy tool, not the right tool, just because it seems like less work. It's probably not.

The Regrettable State of Cross-Browser Testing
Update-by-default has pushed the platform forward, but has also put browser testing out of reach for many

Uptake of the new CSS seems slow. Why?
There’s so much great new stuff in CSS, some of it with extraordinary support. Why aren’t people leaping on it?

Adventures in VIM part 2
The continuing story of migrating my brain from VSCode to vim

Adventures in VIM part 1
Some thoughts on the first view days using neovim