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Generators and Tools
- SVG tool for cleaning up, compressing, and simplifying SVGs. I often use this after exporting an SVG from a tool like Figma.
- Josh Comeau’s Shadow Palette Generator
- Generate nice looking, naturalistic drop shadows in CSS.
- Wakamai Fondue (font analysis)
- Web app that can analyze a font file and tell you lots of stuff about it, including the color palettes (if any) and what axes are available.
- Flexbox Labs
- A great way to try out different flexbox properties and see what they do; familiar iconography might help make the dubiously-inuitive property names stick in your head a little better.
- Anchoreum
- Similar to above; an interactive playground for anchor-based positioning. (Browser support is chrome-only at the moment, but on the roadmap for Firefox and Safari.)
- Every Layout
- Heydon Pickering & Andy Bell’s composable styles for common layout problems, with a lot of explanation for the thought behind the styles. The layouts themselves are a paid product, but the introductory material is both valuable and free.
- Ahmad Shadeed’s Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries
- Not just the what, but the why.
- Andy Bell’s CSS organization strategy based partly on BEM but less opinionated on naming conventions.
- Navigating the Web Platform
- A collection of links on how to keep up with changes to the web platform & how to participate in its development.
- CSS Popover + Anchor Positioning is Magical
- Kevin Powell explains both the basics of popovers and anchor positioning in about 20 minutes.