Ice clings to the window of my car after an ice storm.
John Williams Archives

Adventures in VIM part 1
Some thoughts on the first view days using neovim

Adventures in VIM part 2
The continuing story of migrating my brain from VSCode to vim

Seeking a new editor
Some thoughts about changing up my typical toolset
Popovers and Dialogs, a (kinda) case study
The differences (and similarities) of the new Popover API and the Dialog element.
Some rules about making rules
My first one is “never call them rules.”
Is CSS a programming language?
And why does it seem to matter to so many people?

AI, computers, and looms
We seem to be very selective about whose jobs deserve to be automated.
“Keeping up” should not be an extracurricular activity.
Businesses that don’t strive for perfect efficiency are more creative and have happier employees.