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Popovers and Dialogs, a (kinda) case study

HTML has had a couple of exciting, but similar, new releases. Dialog is a new element and related API, with broad support among Chrome, Safari, and Firefox since early 2022. The popover attribute — which gets added to other HTML elements to convert them into popovers — is much more recent. Chrome and Safari added support in 2023, but it didn’t land in Firefox browsers until a month ago.

I recently used both of these in a production app, so I got to know them relatively well. When I demoed to other engineers, they always asked what the difference was between popover and dialog. Hidde de Vries has a great (and exhaustive!) post on just this subject, but I want to focus on what I discovered when using these two.

The two components I needed were:

  1. A modal dialog box, which needs to be centered and act as a focus trap. It also needed to have a backdrop that obscured the background, and if you clicked outside (on the backdrop), the modal should be dismissed. (This is called a “light dismiss.”)
  2. A tooltip, which needs to show on hover and keyboard focus, have a delay, have no backdrop, and is dismissed only on loss of hover or keyboard focus.

Running mostly on semantics alone, I chose dialog for the first option, and popover for the second, but from a capabilities standpoint the two of them are actually very much the same. Strangely, neither option was perfectly suited to either component.

…And Javascript

Practically speaking, both dialog and popover have extremely limited use without Javascript. This will be upsetting to folks who are aggressively anti-Javascript, but I’d expect these elements to develop over time so you can do more without it.

Those dialog elements default to being hidden, but you can open one by adding the open attribute. This will open the dialog in non-modal form, which means it gets absolute positioning inside the container, but it does not get any positioning otherwise.

Elements with a popover attribute also start life hidden, but I don’t think there’s a way to open them in markup. You can link opening and closing popovers to a button by adding a popovertarget attribute to the button, but that’s limited to opening and closing popovers with clicks.

This feels backwards to me, I guess — popovers open with a trigger relationship you can set in markup, but dialogs don’t — because dialogs seem like they would always be opened on click events, but popovers might occur for many reasons. But that’s the API.

The first component: dialogs

When dialog is opened by Javascript, you can choose to open it as a modal — which is what I needed. The modal dialog display does a number of things:

  1. The element is moved into the top layer, which resolves a lot of z-index stuff.
  2. Since it’s in the top layer, modal dialogs get a backdrop and position: fixed.
  3. The dialog provides a focus trap, and clicks outside the dialog proper and onto the ::backdrop pseudo-element are all delegated back to the dialog itself.

However, the dialog API does not have light dismiss support. You have to add it yourself, which I did by:

  1. Listening for clicks on dialog directly (not its children). Since clicks on the backdrop are delegated to the dialog, the dialog’s click handler will catch these, too.
  2. Checking the coordinates of the click against the boundaries described by getClientBoundingRect() to determine if the click was inside or outside of the dialog element.

Any time I find myself reaching into specific element coordinates I feel like I’m doing pretty low-level UI programming and I’d rather not.

The second component: tooltips

Buckle up, I am glad I tackled this one after the dialogs.

I decided to use the newer popover element for tooltips. Dialog seems like a heaver element to use for something so ephemeral, and it’s also a bit more prescriptive semantically. For example: dialog has a built-in mechanism to deliver form values when the dialog is closed, and dialog elements have an implicit dialog role. Our friend popover does neither.

Our previous tooltip solution was CSS-only, which was really nice. However, it did not have access to the top layer, and so we had a good deal of z-index problems and a few issues with tooltips getting clipped by their containing elements. The top layer solves all of these problems, but there’s no CSS property that tells a popover it’s open — so we had to move that functionality to Javascript.

Handling hover

Friends, that was a significant blow. Not because I dislike Javascript! It’s my favorite programming language and a crucial leg supporting the web platform. It’s because I couldn’t toggle the popover when a trigger element’s :hover state changed.

Perhaps you are thinking: “aha, you can open onMouseOver and close onMouseOut, that’s the same as hover!” You would think! But that’s not the case. These events (and the similar pointer* events) seem to fire only when the pointer is moved into or out of the listener, not when the listener gets moved underneath the pointer. This can happen a number of ways:

  • The trigger animates into a position underneath (or out from underneath) the pointer
  • A click on the trigger causes the trigger to move or disappear
  • The trigger gets scrolled into position behind the pointer

At least, that’s what my tests reveal. I’d love to be proven wrong. This is a bit less of a problem for the “enter” state — I can live with a tooltip not firing if the trigger moves underneath the pointer — but it not firing on the exit state means you get an orphaned, visible tooltip. That’s not good.

I solved this exit case by checking the trigger’s :hover state constantly (with matches()) the entire time the popover was open, and closing it when that check failed. To solve the enter case, I’d have to have each trigger checking while the popover was closed, which seemed like a bit of a performance hit to me.

I had to do something similar to trigger the popover on :focus-visible instead of the broader :focus because Javascript doesn’t provide an onfocusvisible event.

Handling position

Tooltips need to show up in close proximity to the trigger. The CSS-only non-popover solution could use absolute positioning relative to the trigger as long as the trigger contained the tooltip. But since popovers must have position: fixed in the top layer, we can’t do that any more.

The ideal solution for this is anchor-based positioning, which Chrome started to roll out (…checks calendar…) yesterday. Firefox just started work on it, and I don’t know where it is on Safari’s radar.

That means have to use getBoundingClientRect() again. And, once again, we have to check that constantly while the popover is open because the trigger might move and we’d need to move the tooltip with it. A tooltip exposed on hover might disappear quickly, but these tooltips also appear with keyboard focus, which is a much more stable state. So yes, a scrolling tooltip is actually pretty common.

This turned out to be an elaborate solution (also sketched out in that codepen), but one I thought was worth the effort to eliminate the stacking order and containment issues. I also have a lot of hope that I’ll be able to migrate the component to anchor-based positioning before the end of the year, which will simplify matters quite a bit.

Guess what?

One thing I did not need for tooltips the light dismiss functionality I had to code myself for dialogs.

Popovers have that.

But they don’t do the focus trap thing.



Popovers and dialogs are really similar in a lot of ways, and I am not entirely convinced that the semantic difference between the two is something most folks will easily grasp. It falls into the same category for me as the difference between a “link” and a “button” — which for most folks is a change in presentation, not purpose. Or the difference between strong and b, which is entirely hair-splitting. Because their functionalities are so similar, I can see most developer settling on using only one, or using dialog for only a narrow handful of cases.

I think the weirdness between the two — dialog getting a focus trap but no light dismiss, popovers getting the opposite — is an artifact of dialog being an older element and popover benefiting from the lessons learned. But I was not in the room for those conversations. That’s just what it looks like to me based on doing the exact same thing myself often.

The stuff that I need to do by hand with Javascript is, on one hand, pretty irritating. I can see how it might even be pretty infuriating if you don’t know / don’t like Javascript.

But on the other hand, these low-level UI programming efforts are a good reminder of what exactly is involved for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari’s browser teams when we ask for new affordances. There are always lots of little wrinkles that take a long time to smooth out, especially in a spec that’s getting quite complicated.

How are you using dialog or popover? Are you waiting for more (better) support? Anchor-based positioning? Declarative control? Is there a better solution than any I’ve described here? Let me know via Mastodon or, you know, write your own blog post about it! I’d love to learn from you.